A Mathematical Model for the Determination of the …

Abstract. A mathematical model analogous to the rate of decay of radioactive materials has been developed to describe the unit operation of comminution. The model provides a …

(PDF) Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy …

Thus liberation charac- liberation characteristics of McArthur River ore concentrate teristics can be obtained simply from determination of based on the particle size distribution and the ore abrasion breakage distribution function described by family of parameter, t10.

Methods for determination of breakage distribution …

The distribution of primary breakage products in laboratory mills can be estimated by batch grinding for short times. Three methods are given for manipulating the data, the second and third methods correcting for secondary breakage. Method III is the …

A new method for determination of fine particle breakage

Determination of breakage distribution function of the materials is important for accurate and reliable modelling. In this study, the model structure was focused on using separate breakage tests ...

Energy absorption and specific breakage rate of particles …

Determination of the specific breakage rate. The population balance mathematical model of the batch ball milling operation that is widely used by researchers is a linear, time-invariant, size-discrete model [[9], …

(PDF) Effect of size distribution of the particulate material …

The rate of production of fine material in the batch mode of grinding operation forms the basis for determination of the grindability parameter of the Bond approach and the breakage distribution ...


Breakage distributions of the impacted particles, analysed through size normalized distribution curves, were used to reconstruct breakage functions using the conventional t10-tn family curve approach.

Relationships between Bond's grindability (Gbg) and breakage …

Methods for determination of breakage distribution parameters. Powder Technol. (1972) ... Recently, the kinetic model commonly uses the specific rate of breakage (S i) and the cumulative breakage distribution (B i,j) functions to explain the grinding behavior of the material with respect to time in a laboratory batch mill. Until now, …

Experimental methods for grinding studies in laboratory mills

The paper describes the sieving and grinding schedules necessary to express the breakage characteristics of a brittle material in terms of specific rates of breakage and primary breakage product distributions. It is demonstrated that larger particles can break abnormally, and that the primary breakage distributions are not always normalized.

Application of artificial neural network method to predict the breakage …

The population balance modeling technique was used to study the breakage parameters such as primary breakage distribution (B i, j) and the specific rates of breakage ... Methods for determination of breakage distribution parameters. Powder Technol., 5 (4) (1972), pp. 215-222, 10.1016/0032-5910(72)80022-6. View PDF View …

A novel approach to evaluating breakage parameters and

Determination of breakage distribution function. By grinding closely-sized material and determining their product size distributions at cumulative grind times of 40, 80, 150 and 260 s, the breakage distribution function was determined using Kapur'sDiscussion. The proposed model essentially involves the relationship of t n to t 10 …

A new method for determination of fine particle breakage

Bed breakage test method. Bed breakage test is a method for analyzing breakage characteristics of samples finer than 3.35 mm. Breakage distribution function can be calculated for each size fraction by using this method. Test is performed by using drop-weight test machine. A simplified schematic view of the drop-weight tester is given …

Modeling breakage rates in mills with impact energy spectra …

Determination of breakage rates via DEM impact energy spectra. Breakage rate may be defined as a measure of the likelihood that a particle will be broken during a specific impact event (King, 2001). The number of impacts per second (λ k) of an energy level E k is the breakage rate determining parameters. The complex collision regime in …

Statistics of multiple particle breakage

A method for generating theoretical breakage distribution functions for multiple particle breakage is presented. It starts with the joint probability function that accounts for all the child particles; it is then reduced to the marginal probability function commonly used in the breakage equation. This method is flexible enough to allow the user ...

Single Particle Impact Breakage Characterization of …

INTRODUCTION Breakage distribution of a material can be simply defined as the distribution of the fragments appearing after the breakage of single particles of different sizes. ... (h-1) and di is the discharge rate of particle size i (h-1). Determination of breakage distribution functions experimentally will enable the calculation of model ...

The back-calculation of specific rates of breakage and non …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The back-calculation of specific rates of breakage and non-normalized breakage distribution parameters from batch grinding data" by R. …

Determination of the specific breakage rate parameters …

Recently, the kinetic model commonly uses the specific rate of breakage (S i) and the cumulative breakage distribution (B i,j) functions to explain the grinding behavior of the material with respect to time in a laboratory batch mill.Until now, important researches have been published on these functions, especially in a tumbling ball mill.

Determination of comminution characteristics from single-particle

Fragment size distribution, fines production and breakage probability were investigated and clear trends were able to be determined. A general fines production curve was able to be calculated by ...

S chromite ore Breakage Distribution Function

The breakage distribution function (BDF) is the one of the most important parameters in the modeling of grinding circuits. Different methods were developed for determination of this parameter.

Validation of a particle impact breakage model

The population balance model has been widely used to predict the particle size distribution where impact breakage is overwhelming in a milling operation. The success of population balance model lies in the appropriate definition of the selection function and breakage function to describe the particle size evolution. ... The …

Determination of the specific breakage rate parameters …

DOI: 10.1016/J.APT.2016.06.002 Corpus ID: 138838775; Determination of the specific breakage rate parameters using the top-size-fraction method: Preparation of the feed charge and design of experiments


The breakage distribution function (BDF) is the one of the most important parameters in the modeling of grinding circuits. Different methods were developed for determination of this parameter.


normalizable breakage such as in the traditional approach of Austin (1984). Models of comminution equipments require the determination of breakage distributions known as …


Methods for determination of breakage distribution param eters, Powder . Technology, 5:215-222. Austin, L G and B hatia, V K, 1971/72b.

(PDF) Determination of single particle comminution characteristics of

Breakage pattern of material also analyzed with the determination of single distribution parameter (t 10). ... Representation of breakage distribution with this method consists one more breakage ...

Identification of the breakage rate and distribution parameters …

This study explored the breakage kinetics of cement clinker in a lab-scale ball mill loaded with steel or alumina balls of 20, 30, and 40 mm sizes and their mixtures. The temporal evolution of the particle size distribution (PSD) was measured by sieving and laser diffraction.

Development of a Non-linear Framework for the Prediction …

In this paper, a simple approach for estimating the particle size distribution of the grinding products is proposed. The simplified form of the fundamental batch grinding equation was transformed into the well-known R-R distribution which enables the determination of the breakage rate for each grinding period or specific energy input to …

Determination of Selection-for-Breakage Functions in the …

The estimation of rate and breakage distribution parameters from batch grinding data for a complex pyritic ore using a back-calculation method. Powder Technology 1981, 28 (1), 97-106.

Determination of breakage rates using single drop experiments

Determination of breakage rates using single drop experiments. Sebastian Maaß ...

A novel approach to evaluating breakage parameters and …

Determination of breakage distribution function By grinding closely-sized material and determining their product size distributions at cumulative grind times of 40, 80, 150 and 260 s, the breakage distribution function was determined using Kapur's method discussed previously.

Validation of a model for impact breakage incorporating particle size

Investigation of a breakage probability model published by Vogel and Peukert [Vogel, L. and Peukert, W., 2004. Determination of material properties relevant to grinding by practicable labscale milling tests. Int. J. Miner. Process., 74S, 329–338.] has led to a modification of their model to describe the degree of impact breakage, t 10.The modified …

The estimation of non-normalized breakage distribution …

Breakage rate and breakage function are essential to describe the evolution in particle size distribution over time. Hereby, the division in a mill and a material model has already been shown to be a successful approach for different mills. Especially for fine particles the determination of the breakage function is a particular challenge.

Determination of Breakage Distribution Function …

Bed breakage method is used t o determine breakage distribution function of fine particles (normally finer than 3.35 mm). In In …

The back-calculation of specific rates of breakage and non …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The back-calculation of specific rates of breakage and non-normalized breakage distribution parameters from batch grinding data" by R. Klimpel et al. Skip to search form Skip to main ... Determination of the specific breakage rate parameters using the top-size-fraction method: Preparation of the feed charge ...

Selection and breakage functions of particles under impact …

The breakage function (BF), which represents fragments size distribution, was chosen from the list of functions described in the literature. The basis of the BF selection was the highest fitting quality or the highest coefficient of determination (R 2). The original form of the chosen BF was transformed according to the definition of system ...

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